To my Family: Healing Scars Together
10:33 PM Edit This 0 Comments »you said to me,
" is a true tragity. One that will never heal, one that those involved will never really feel like they are 'okay' with it."
I've decided, that you are right. the scars made by such a tragity won't heal. Because every holiday, every birthday, every Sunday... we will be reminded.
I will be reminded when I have to choose where to go, or who to celebrate with. Reminded when someone asks how each of you are doing seperately.
Although the scars may not heal completely...I think that we all can grow stronger, but that won't happen unless we have each other... and all of us have been pushing eachother away lately, for whatever reasons we may have.
To my siblings:
I'm so sorry. I miss you all. I miss our fun times we used to have on Sundays with each other. I miss our joking around. I'm sorry I have pushed you all away, in whatever ways I have done so, I am so sorry. I need you. I need my brothers; I need the priesthood influences that each of you have, and the love and protective care that you have always given me. I miss seeing all of you and your families. I need my sisters. I'm getting married, and I want you all to be around to talk to, to get excited with...I need your examples of love and kindness.
I understand not all of you understand where my irritablity has come from recently, or my anger...and I'm sorry. I hope we can make things right and start acting like a family again.
I love you all!