My Mother is the most absolutely amazing woman I know.
Over the last few years she has been through so much, and she's truly taught me how to overcome weakness' and how to grow from hard times.
So many times she helped me realize who I was when I would forget... When I'd start to fall away she'd grab on and pull me back to where I belonged... She never gave up on me...when I'm sure I gave her many reasons to give up. She has always loved me...and has never made me doubt that love.
In February she gave me the most gorgeous wedding. She basically did everything. She planned it from the music to the food to the decor... and it was unbelievable. I can't ever thank her enough for this HUGE sacrifice she made for me.
She's so beautiful, inside and out... in every aspect...
My mom is one of my very best friends in the whole world. The one person I can go and cry to about anything and everything and I know she'll make me feel better, or help me better understand whatever predicament I'm in at the time. I couldn't ask for a better friend. She's always been there to kiss my "owies" and wipe away tears from my cheeks. She's never made me feel inadequate or that she didn't love me.
One of my very most favorite things about her is her unfailing faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. From the time that I was a small child there was never a time that I remember her not reading her scriptures at night, or saying her personal prayers. Mom has always had such a wonderful knowledge of the Savior...a knowledge that I've been so envious of. Never have I wondered if my Mother believed the things she so passionately taught her children about the gospel because she lives those principals everyday.
Thank you Mom. For everything you've done for me. I wouldn't trade you for anyone in the world to be my Mommy. I love you so much!