"Prayers For Bobby"
7:51 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
I just finished watching the movie, "Prayers for Bobby"... ...
What a wonderful message. . . It makes me so grateful that I still have my brother, that he never took his life because of the horrible way people treated him...and still do because he is gay. Or for the fear that his family wouldn't love him if they knew... For the absolute condemnation of his church leaders and the majority of the community... He had so many reasons to give up. . . But I am beyond grateful for the life he still leads today.
So many people have awful opinions of homosexuals. Which is really sad, because for the most part, they are wonderful, amazing people. People who love beyond most. People, not animals. People with amazing talent. People that are clean. People that have beautiful spirits. People who are stronger than most.
I have one of the most incredible brothers in the world. Although I dont have to agree with what he has choosen I still love him very much. He is one of the most genuine and loving people. Anyone who is lucky enough to have him as a friend can atest to the fact that he is the best kind of friend anyone could ask for.
I love you Brother!