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I'm thankful for the suprise check that I recieved in the mail today that will pay an incredible amount of bills... that will also help with the stress of money. I was completely blown away by this check, it actually brought tears to my was a huge answer to my prayers as of late.

I'm so beyond greatful for the amazing man laying next to me.  My husband. My best friend. My one and only love. He is so good to me. Always making me smile even when I want to cry my eyes out. The person who is supportive of EVERYTHING I do. I'm so glad to have Scott in my life... To have him loving me....the best way anyone could ever love me. 

I'm greatful for the home I have. For the car I drive. For the two sweet birds scott just bought me. The bed I get to sleep in. The air i breathe each day. For the beautiful sun that shines... and for the stars that twinkle in the night. I'm thankful for the people that surround me and touch my life each day. My beautiful Mother. My three big brothers, and my three sisters... For Nick. I'm glad for smiles, and laughter.  For my amazing nieces and adorable sunlight in the darkest day. I'm thankful for flowers and for the majestic mountains. The tender love of my husband.  For the  safety I enjoy each day. For the country of freedom I live in. 

i'm thankful for so much, my heart is bursting with gratitude today for every little blessing in my life. . .